1. Introduction
- The Origin of PHP
- PHP is better than Its alternatives
- Interfaces to External systems
- How PHP works with the Web Server
- Hardware and Software requirements
- What a PHP script looks like
- Saving data for later
- Receiving user input
- Repeating code
2. Introduction to SQL
- Connecting to the MYSQL
- Selecting a database
- Finding out about errors
- Adding data to a table
- Acquiring the value
- Finding the number of rows
- Inserting data
- Entering and updating data
- Executing multiple queries
3.Basic PHP Development
- How PHP scripts work
- Basic PHP syntax
- PHP data types
- Displaying type information
- Testing for a specific data type
- Changing type with Set type
- Operators
- Variable manipulation
- Dynamic variables
- String in PHP
- The anatomy of a cookie
- Setting a cookie with PHP
- Deleting a cookie
- Creating session cookie
- Working with the query string
- Creating query string
- What is session
- Starting a session
- Working with session variables
- Destroying session
- Passing session Ids
- Encoding and decoding session variables
6.Control Structures
- The if statement
- Using the else clause with if statement
- The switch statement
- Using the? Operator
- the while statement
- the do while statement
- The for statement
- Breaking out of loops
- Nesting loops
- Summary
7.Disk Access, I/O,Math and Mail
- HTTP connections
- Writing to the browser
- Getting input from forms
- Output buffering
- Session handling
- Regular expression
- Common math
- Random numbers
- File upload
- File download
- Environment variables
- E-mail in PHP
- What a function
- Defining a function
- Returning value from function
- User-defined functions
- Dynamic function calls
- Variable scope
- Accessing variable with the global statement
- Function calls with the static statement
- Setting default values for arguments
- Passing arguments to a function by value
- Passing arguments to a function by reference
- Testing for function existence Arrays
- Single-Dimensional Arrays
- Multidimensional Arrays
- Casting Arrays
- Associative arrays
- Accessing arrays
- Getting the size of an array
- Looping through an array
- Looping through an associative array
- Examining arrays
- Joining arrays
- Sorting arrays
- Sorting an associative array
9.Working with the File System
- Creating and deleting a file
- Reading and writing text files
- Working with directories in PHP
- Checking for existence of file
- Determining file size
- Opening a file for writing, reading, or appending
- Writing Data to the file
- Reading characters
- Practical application of cake PHP framework
10.Working with Forms
- Forms
- Super global variables
- The server array
- A script to acquire user input
- Importing user input
- Accessing user input
- Combine HTML and PHP code
- Using hidden fields
- Redirecting the user
- File upload and scripts
- Introduction to AJAX
- Introduction to XML Http Request Object
- Method and Properties of XML Http Request
- Application of AJAX in web application
12.Classes and Objects
- Objects oriented programming
- Define a class
- An Object
- Creating an object
- Object properties
- Object methods
- Object constructors and destructors
- Class constants
- Class inheritance
- Abstract classes and methods
- Object serialization
- Checking for class and method existence
- Exceptions
- Summary