- Soft Skills Training
- Business Communication Training
- Voice and Accent Training
- Personality Development Training
- Group Discussion
- Interview skills
- Parts of Speech, Idioms, Punctuations
- Implementation of Grammar in sentence formation
- Building Vocabulary, Improving Pronunciation
- Barriers of Communication
- Speaking & Listening Effectively
- Idioms, Phrases & Proverbs
- Comprehension & Composition
- Writing Skills ( Email, Business Correspondence)
- Reading Skills (focus on voice modulation)
- Extempore & Group Discussions
- Smart English V/S Normal English
- Testing & Evaluation
- Diction Analysis
- Pronunciation Power Guide
- Introduction to Vowel & Consonants
- Intonation Syllable Stress
- Attitude Management
- Killing Nervousness & Building Confidence
- Body language & Dress Code
- Role Play (Real life Conversation)
- Resume format
- Personal Interview Techniques

Course Highlights
Advanced Spoken English
- Types of Nouns, Adverbs, Various Tenses, Idioms,
- Implementation of Grammar in sentences.
- Building Powerful Vocabulary.
- Barriers to fluent English communication.
- Speaking and Listening Effectively.
- Idioms, Phrases and Proverbs.
- Writing Skills – Email etiquettes, Business correspondence.
- Reading Skills – Focus on syllable stress, Intonation and pitch.
- Extempore and Group discussions.
- Smart English VS Normal English.
- Diction Analysis.
- Introduction to Vowel & Consonant Sounds.
- Intonation and syllable stress.
- Fighting Indianism.
- Killing nervousness & developing confidence.
- Body language and Dress for Success.
- Presentation skills & Business etiquettes.
- Stress Management.
covering audio-video lessons –
- Personal communication: with strangers, office colleagues, friends, & relatives.
- Business communication: Telephonic communication, speaking with clients and customers, office meetings & superiors.
- Interview skills: Resume making, personal interview techniques.
- Systemized Approach
- Enhanced Vocabulary
- Emphasis on Verbal Communication
- through Role play, GD, Extempore
- Accent Neutralization
- Email Drafting
- Business Communication
Even though you know the vocabulary and have learned endless grammar rules, it can still be difficult to pronounce certain English words correctly this struggle with language can make communicating a bad experience for both you and others. You might have Mother Tongue Influence/Indian Accent. An Accent that is normally expected of most Indians is considered best. You may have a good knowledge of the English language but does not guarantee a good accent.
But what does a good accent mean? It means an accent that is easy to understand across the globe, no matter who the listener is an American, British, Australian or a Canadian or people from any other country or our own country. This Accent is called neutral accent.
Improving your English Accent is an easy and enjoyable way to learn and master the art of handling troublesome vowel sounds, difference in stressed and un-stressed syllables and words, which make you sound like a native speaker.
Our Module helps you to enhance your accent, and develop a neutral accent.
Course Contents :-- Understanding Indianism
- Accent Reduction
- Introduction to vowel & Consonant sounds
- Relation of sound with words
- Intonation Pattern & Syllable stress.
- Plosive Sounds
- Pronunciation Practice
- American Slang
- Removal of Indianism
- Neutral Accent
Practice sessions for each module
Personality Development Module is the most important tool in the quest for success and for self-confidence. We need motivation, determination, dedication and perseverance to compete in the race for success.
This module cover various topics and situations, to one's personality development by working on one's potential and enhancing it in a non-taxing, self educative and easy to absorb approach. To enhance presentation skills.

- Art of attraction
- Leadership & Successful relationship
- Memory Enhancement & Time management
- Overcoming worries & Criticism
- Effective speaking
- Healthy mind & Decision making
A GD is a methodology used by an organization to screen whether the candidate has certain personality traits and/or skills that it desires in its members. In this methodology, the group of candidates is given a topic or a situation, given a few minutes to think about the same, and then asked to discuss among themselves for 15 – 20 Minutes and place their opinion on the topic.
Group Discussion Test is the most important and most popular technique of personality testing.It is used for selecting candidates for MBA, SSB, Airlines, Bank officers, Research scholars, Call Centre etc.It enables the examiner to assess candidate's leadership ability, intellectual level, communication ability, socialisation skill and an ability to motivate and influence others. The most important aspect of Group Discussion is its practical approach for analysing the inner orientations of the candidates.The enhanced leadership ability of the candidate has to be in context of abilities and responses of other individuals of the group.
Group Discussion would help to train the minds so that they can appear in the Group Discussions and emerge with flying colours.
Some of personality traits the GD is trying to gauge may include:
- Ability to work in a team
- Communication Skills
- Reasoning ability
- Leadership skills
- Initiative
- Assertiveness
- Flexibility & Creativity
- Ability to think on ones feet

Factual topics are about practical things, which an ordinary person is aware of in his day-to-day life. Typically these are about socio-economic topics. These can be current, i.e. they may have been in the news lately, or could be unbound by time. A factual topic for discussion gives a candidate a chance to prove that he is aware of and sensitive to his environment. E.g. The education policy of India, Tourism in India, State of the aged in the nation.
Controversial TopicsControversial topics are the ones that are argumentative in nature. They are meant to generate controversy. In GD’s where these topics are given for discussion, the noise level is usually high, there may be tempers flying. The idea behind giving a topic like this is to see how much maturity the candidate is displaying by keeping his temper in check, by rationally and logically arguing his point of view without getting personal and emotional.E.g. Reservations should be removed, Women make better managers.
Abstract TopicsAbstract topics are about intangible things. These topics are not given often for discussion, but their possibility cannot be ruled out. These topics test your lateral thinking and-creativity.E.g. A is an alphabet, Twinkle twinkle little star, The number 10.
Case-based GDAnother variation is the use of a case instead of a topic.The case study tries to simulate a real-life situation. Information about the situation will be given to you and you would be asked as a group to resolve the situation. In the case study there are no incorrect answers or perfect solutions. The objective in the case study is to get you to think about the situation from various angles.
Personal Interview training is conducted by various people (like HR Head, Technical Head etc.) in the organization. It is usually the last round of an interview process but it may be extended to Round 4 and Round 5, depending on the requirement and also for further satisfaction of the organization.
Personal Interview Training Module trains an individual on the following Questioning parameters:- Why do you want to join us?
- How do you think you fit into this position?
- How would you rate this particular job compared to other industries?
- How do you think you can contribute to this organization?
- How do you look at yourself 3 years, 5 years and 10 years from now?
- Why don’t you want to study further?

- A customer flares up that no one had bothered to handle his problems in spite of assurances. How would you handle this situation?
- A lady customer haggles you for a discount. How would you handle this call?
- How would you describe yourself?
- When do you perform the best-when you are alone or when you have support of people around you?
- How would you rate your achievements in life? Would you give credit for your achievements to someone in your life?
- How would you handle a customer who hasn’t paid his dues for the last few months?
- How would you get a customer to commit?
- How do you see your future shaping up in this company?
The one-on-one interview would be the acid test of a candidate’s eligibility and one successfully clearing it surely would make a berth for him in the particular industry. Lastly, you’d also be asked to give at least two good references to vouch for you.
This Module completely prepares you for this acid test, and come out as a winner.